Here are some great tips on how to build your Internet home business! Nothing like getting it from the proverbial “horse’s mouth!” Internet marketing is not terribly hard to do if you keep it simple. Here is a great video from Google engineer, and often spokesperson for this preeminent search engine company, Matt Cutts.
Matt was recently interviewed by USA Today. He talks about how to get your home business site or small business website to the top of Google with 5 basic, common sense SEO… Search Engine Optimization tips.
This isn’t rocket science. These are just great tips on how to build your internet home business simply by using some common sense techniques like thinking about what people will type into a Google search box to find a business.
Matt also stresses the need to have your Meta tags filled out… in particular, you site’s description tag. The rule I always use is to complete the title tag with a keyword phrase. Then, take that same keyword phrase and use it in you description tag.
Here is an example. If your title is “how to build an internet home business,” your description should include the keyword phrase “how to build an internet home business.” Your title should be less than 70 characters and your description less than 160 characters. So, write something like this in your description: “We provide tools and tips on how to build an internet home business. Visit our site to learn how to build an internet home business today!”
In this case, I was actually able to use my keyword phrase twice. And, that is simply awesome! Try it yourself!
Here is Matt’s interview! Enjoy and Comment!