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It is simply amazing! Learning to build an Internet Home Business is a real challenge.  The landscape is slippery. You want to drive people or traffic to your website, but the rules keep changing!

How can you ever keep up with these changes?  You can start by communicating and interacting on this blog, or you can search the Internet on a daily basis to get some ideas on how to build a Internet home business!

There are several common denominators you should look for.  The most important is what the heck is Google doing?  There is a lot hype right now on Google Plus 1.  But, what are their search algorithms doing that can impact you business right now?  This all assumes you have branded yourself with a business website.  If you have not, do it!  This is your branded identity in this virtual world.  You have to have a website!

The next common denominator reflect changes with how Google ranks you website.  The magic term here is Search Engine Optimization (SEO).  The better optimized your website, the more traffic or visitors the search engine will send you.

Are you following me so far? Do you believe in this?  If not, go read some comics or perhaps play some of your favorite video games.  Because, if you do not believe in this, you are wasting your time!  And, mine!

Hey, I love all my readers!  I want to see you succeed in Internet marketing. But, you have to take this stuff seriously to succeed!   Here is an SEO  tip a learned the other day that can be a huge value in your attempt to build an Internet home business.

Google wants you to site authority sources. When you think about it, it just makes good common sense!  You can write whatever it is you want to write, but if you do not have good quality or authoritative sources to back you up, you are missing a huge opportunity to do things the right way.  Think about those high school and college papers you wrote.  You had to site your sources… right?  This is the same thing!

And, it’s not difficult to do in today’s Internet world.  In fact, it’s rather easy.  Here is an example.  Let’s say I want to write an article on Google Local Search.  And, I’m in the process of doing that on my website.  All I have to do is open another browser window, go to Google search and type in the keyword Google Local Search.  See what comes up, then use your own intellect to find a good authoritative article that relates well to what you are talking about in your article.

So, let me do that… I typed in “google local search” and starting scanning the articles that came up.  The third article looked interesting.  It reads: “Guide to Local Search.”  It has a page rand of 3, so I click on this article.  Three isn’t as high as I would like to go, but you might be better siting  a source that is closer to your own page ranking.

Actually, this article does not tell me anything I don’t already know, but I’m going to site it anyway to show you what I mean, and how to do this.

This is what I do. I introduce the subject I’m talking about.  Once again, that is Google Local Search.  Let’s call that my keyword.  I want to anchor my text on that keyword and point to the article I am siting.  Here is how I do it:

“Google has changed it’s search algorithm to favor local business.  Here is a great article article on Google Local Search in  Now, place your cursor over “Google Local Search” and look down in the bottom left corner of your page.  You will see the actual URL of this article.  That is how you build an authoritative source link into your article!

Practice this approach when you write about anything, and wait to see the amount of traffic you get in return.  Stay tuned for more Tips on how to drive traffic to your website!



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