Let me let you in on a little secret. Actually, this should not be a secret, but I find that a lot of people don’t know about it. You should! Back linking is a critical off-site SEO technique that will help you drive traffic to your website.
If you are building an Internet home home business and marketing your business online, as you should be, you are no doubt using a website to advertise, market and promote your business. That’s great! Keep up your great work.
But, that’s just the first step. You need to learn how to maximize your site for the search engines and you need to produce positive results. In other words, you need to create traffic or visitors to your site. If you are using WordPress as your site builder, as I have recommended, I have a solution that will immediately help you drive traffic to you site!
According Wiki:
The search engines often use the number of backlinks that a website has as one of the most important factors for determining that website’s search engine ranking, popularity and importance.
In search engines terms, this equates to relevancy. How relevant is your site to a person’s search? How much value can you provide that person conducting their search? Backlinks act as a vote in your favor. The more backlinks you have, the more popular and relevant your site is to the search engines. The search engines are always striving to enhance their user’s experience. If you website is relevant and popular, they will send more visitors your site.
Here is an easy way to build backlinks to your website…
It’s a program called Social Monkee. Social Monkee is a one time investment of $7. That’s right! No recurring charges to your credit or debit card. Pay once and you can use it forever. This enables you to post one URL (a webpage, blog post, YouTube video, etc. once a day. In return they team at Social Monkee will get you 25 backlinks to your site. Watch the training videos. They are excellent. And, you can track your backlinks in your Social Monkee back office. I highly recommend it.
Give it a try! It’s easy to use and highly effective. Learn more about the Monkee here:
Social Monkee
And, if you have any questions, please post them in the comments section below or feel free to contact me directly! 🙂