If you are marketing your business on the Internet, you need to learn how to get your blog post ranked on Google page 1.
This assumes you have a blog or website to market your business. You don’t make money on the Internet by joining businesses or programs. You make money on the Internet by learning how to market your business. And a website or blog is your first step in marketing your business. If you don’t have a sound marketing plan for your business, you are going to fail. And a web presence is essential.
A hosted blog is the best way to get started! This is marketing 101! You need to have a blog to advertise and market your business. And, a blog using WordPress is the proven and tried method toward achieving sound and immediate results. Google and the other major search engines love WordPress blogs; and for good reason. A hosted WordPress blog gives you the ability to add the plug and play software you need to attract the search engines. These are plugins, or pieces of software that help you get your blog post ranked on Google. Here is a list of the 11 Essential WordPress Plugins for Your Home Business Website. And, they are free, and free is always good.
Here is a great video to help you start to learn how to get your blog post ranked on Google…
How to Get Your Blog Post Ranked on Google:
This is a great video to get you started. It provides great instruction on how to establish your keyword string and H1 tag in your title, how to set-up and organize your article for effective and fast writing and how to get your blog post ranked on Google. When you master these basic skills, you are well on your way to get your blog post ranked on Google page 1.
Stay tuned! I’m going to publish the entire series here. This is the just the first of 5 videos. I’ll be listing them all here on my blog.
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