Social Bookmarking is free advertising for your Internet home business! It’s a way to get one-way backlinks that generates “search engine juice” to your site and this means free organic traffic. Sound good so far? This was music to my ears! And, it works!
This is a process and it will take a little work to set-up. I would not advise trying to do too much too fast. But, this is fantastic way to generate traffic to your website or blog. Here is a relatively easy way to get started. offers a service that you need to know about. This site will help you spread a link to 48 social bookmarking sites, and it’s a free service. Social Marker acts a distributor for you business and your business links.
They advertise that you can send your links to all 48 sites in less than 15 minutes. That might be true… once you have your membership accounts set-up with these sites.
The reality is that this all takes time. I’ve been using other Social Bookmarking sites and I use only a small percentage of the 48 they list.
There are over 200 Social Bookmarking sites on the Internet. While I will be tracking and probably recommending some others in the future, is a great place to get started.
In many ways, when you establish an account with one of their 48 listed sites, it’s a lot like setting up a Twitter or Facebook account. You want to do it correctly. Make it right the first time, so you do not have to go back and later correct it.
You need to complete your profile information, and I highly recommend that you include your picture so that people get to know you. That’s branding you! And, branding you will help your business in the future.
So, take it slow and get it right when you set up these accounts. Let me offer you some recommendations for the top five to join, then you can take it from there.
1. I’m led to believe that it’s considered an ultimate authority by Yahoo Search. I like the fact that it directly links to Yahoo, so you can invite your Facebook contacts, and a lot of APS members are on Facebook!
2. This is not This is different. Diigo allows a lot more social interaction. For example, it allows collaboration. In other words, it would allow for us to review one another’s website or blogs. All we need to do is set up a group.
If you are finding success in, this is also one of the 48 sites that Social Marker will submit to.
3. Reddit stories are instantly voted
upon and if liked by the community as a whole, this can drive incredible traffic to your site.
4. Don’t worry about typing in that obnoxious URL. You can also access your account via Delicious allows you to easily add sites you like to your personal collection of links (your sites!!!!) and add keywords and tags. Delicious is also owned by Yahoo and is a MUST for your social media and bookmarking strategy.
5. Google Bookmarks. A lot of Internet marketers already have Google accounts. If you have an Adsense account, you have a Google account. If you have a “.gmail” account you have a Google account. If you have an Adwords account, you have a Google account. Don’t overlook this Google feature. Use their “bookmark” feature on all your important links. Like many of the others mentioned, add you keywords/tags that are specific to your link page. …more on this later!!!
As I mentioned earlier, take it slow. Get familiar with these Social Bookmarking (more here) sites. They can work wonders for your business. Like anything else, they are not all the same. They all have unique features that you need to learn about. Plus, there are a whole lot more to come. But, establish your foundation first.
And, start looking for APS member on these sites. Hook up with them. Establish a group. Invite your own networking contacts.
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