The San Francisco 49ers' Super Bowl XXIX troph...

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As Vince Lombardi once cried, “What the hell is going on out there?” I thought it might be a good time to post some thoughts on the direction of my blog!

How to Build an Internet Home Business was originally started as a review site for affiliate programs, but my bottom line goal was to pass on valuable information to anyone who just wanted to establish a home business presence on the Internet.  And, I wanted to interact with my readers… not to sell, but to assist; to build relationships and to work together.  I think that Vince’s words amplify these thoughts.

I finally realized that my blog wasn’t doing what I originally hoped.  I wasn’t building a team.  I was writing my story and experiences!  I wasn’t working with people.  I was working for them.  That is not team building!  Thanks Vince!

I’ve noticed a dominant trend recently!  And, while I can’t make any firm conclusions about it, I do have some thoughts.  I have a lot of people registering as members.  I’ll get as many as 5-6 per day.  This tells me that there is something of value I offer here, but I’m not exactly sure what registered members are looking for.  I really need to know this.  I want to engage with my readers!

I’ve noticed a secondary trend as well.  Most of my new members seem to be associated with some type of very legitimate online small businesses. They… or you, are looking for something.

I’ll take a wild educated guess and say you are looking for success… in whatever it is you do!  That’s fairly safe.  Hey, I want to help but I need to know how I can help.  As I try to tell my new members, and I do not get to everybody on an individual basis; consider me a resource that you can use anytime!  Ask questions!

And, please offer your experiences, your problems and your solutions.  If we work together,  we can certainly better achieve our individual goals.  But, we need to work as a team.  I’m a firm believer in that.  Don’t be bashfull! Post in the comments!  Let’s engage to the benefit of all of us!  Let’s get Vince off our backs!



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