Hey folks, I know I’ve written a lot on this before… but, its still a powerful marketing tip!
Build an Internet Home Business with Video!
A lot of my friends build their Internet home business with video and in a lot of crazy ways! The introduction of front screen cameras on today’s smart phones really make this easy. My smart phone is not that smart. I do most of my stuff on my computer. Yet, my buds are using their smart phone to knock out a video every day. And, that’s awesome!
I do mostly training videos using Camtasia. But, I’ve also found a way to inexpensively create scribe videos that you might really like. I use a program called Sparkol. You can sign up for a free account. I have a banner posted over there in my right sidebar if you want to try it out. But, here is an example of the scribe videos that I produce.
These videos are really easy to produce and people love them. The music entertains them and they are fun!
And, this is important to your marketing efforts. If you have not seen this series of articles I’ve written on Home Business Blogging yet, you ought to. You can access all three via this link:
Empower Network Home Business Blogging
These articles apply to anyone trying to build an Internet Home Business.
Have fun and let me know if you have any question on how to build an Internet home business!