Here is the complete video series on how to get your blog post ranked on Google.

These are the exact techniques I use everyday to crank out one or two blog posts. It takes a little practice, but if I can do it, anyone can!

Video 1 (2:51 Minutes): In this video I describe how to establish your keyword string and H1 tag in your title, how to set-up and organize your article for effective and fast writing and how to get your blog post ranked on Google.


Video 2 (4:12 Minutes): In this video I describe how to create your H2 and H3 tags using your primary keyword string, how to structure your article for fast and effective writing and how to get your blog post ranked on Google.


Video 3 (3:52 Minutes): In this video I provide some more hints on how to structure your blog for quick writing by building you introduction and beginning your summary using your primary keyword string.  Just another easy step that will help you get your blog ranked on Google.


Video 4 (7:51 Minutes): In this video I provide instruction on how and why to use pictures in you blog article, how to set your Alt Tag (alternative text) in your pictures using your primary keyword string, how to easily write content.


Video 5 (6:28 Minutes): In this final video I provide tips on fast blogging by showing you more on how to use your outline to create great original content for effective blogging. I will also show you how to use your outline to finish your summary and develop a call to action.


In summary, this completes my series on how to get your blog post ranked on Google. In this video series, I focused on using the SEOPressor tool available in the empower network home business back office.  I have used a number of SEO tools on various websites that I either manage or own.  By comparison, I now find them much less effective.  SEOPressor does some things for my onsite SEO that I have never been able to do before.

It enables me to clearly focus on my H1, H2 and H3 tags without knowing HTML. Plus, it enables me to focus on bolding, italicizing and underlining my primary keyword strings!  Google and the other major search engines score and rank your blog posts based on your ability to complete these steps.

SEOPressor has made me a better and more effective author.  The speed blogging and organizational techniques that I coach you on in this video series is a direct result of my using and experimenting with SEOPressor. I highly recommend this plugin for your Internet home business website.  This is the best onsite SEO Plugin I’ve used to date.  SEOPressor is a solid investment in your business.

In conclusion, if you want to get your blog post ranked on Google and the other search engines, you need to practice sound onsite SEO.  If you are using other SEO plugins, that’s fine.  But, practice the techniques shown in this video series on establishing your H1, H2 and H3 tags; along with the bolding, italicizing and underlining techniques.  And, pay particular attention to the organizational hints I provide.  This will help you get your blog post ranked on Google and the other search engines.