Onsite Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has become a science. It’s measurable/quantifiable! It’s easily learned and taught! But, like any science… if you fail to learn the basics of that science, you are sure to fail! You just can’t jump into a 200 level course until you’ve mastered the 100 course level.
These are basic SEO fundamentals. Take a little time and work through these lessons. If you do, you will not only learn some valuable skills, you will also develop an extremely sound foundation on which to build an Internet home business!
This next video, Part 3, focuses on two WordPress plugins: Platinum SEO Pak and Simple Facebook Like! There is a lot of voodoo in both these plugins, and this voodoo translates to visitors to your site! Premium SEO Pak is a fantastic plugin that should be used to set-up your basic (Meta) Title, Description and Keywords. Plus, it enables and reminds you to do the same for every post or article you publish on your site.
The Simple Facebook Like plugin enables you to place that viral Like button on every post you make. When some hits that button for you, then announce to their all their Facebook friends that you just published something of value! This potentially provides you an enormous boost in popularity. And, Google loves popularity!
Follow the easy instructions in this video: